August 24-25, 2024
Detroit, USA
All submissions must be original, unpublished, and not submitted concurrently for publication elsewhere. All accepted papers of ERET conference will be published by WEP "Transactions on Environment, Energy and Earth Sciences" ISSN: 2960-1924, and will be submitted to CNKI Scholar, Crossref, Google Scholar, Semantic Scholar, ResearchGate, Scilit, CPCI and other major academic databases. The full text is online available via the press platform.
Paper Publication

Transactions on Environment, Energy and Earth Sciences (TEEES) aims to publish peer-reviewed proceedings from conferences on research and applications in the field of environment, energy and earth sciences. Major disciplines include: soil sciences, hydrology, oceanography, climatology, geology, geography, energy engineering (production, distribution and storage), renewable energy, sustainable development, natural resources management, environmental health, etc.

Transactions on Environment, Energy and Earth Sciences
ISSN: 2960-1924